Friday, December 25, 2015

Grown-Up Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Austins! I did not do a long or creative letter this year – just this photo card of Carter in Germany, looking out over the Bavarian Alps from Hitler's Eagle's Nest of all places. I felt it could symbolize peace anywhere. And we hope you found it!

Our household was actually peaceful this morning. The beauty of having "older," almost-grown-up kids under your roof is that no one is up at the crack of dawn looking for Santa's presents. Instead we got to sleep in until 8:30 or so. And just when hubby left for church, Casey and Carter got up.

No opening presents unless we're all here so I made them waffles (with yummy Vermont syrup) in my new "cheap holiday sale" waffle maker! Took a few tries, but I got the hang of it. No one went away hungry so that's good. And it wasted enough time until Jim got back home.

Kitty was anxious to see what was in her stocking, so we let her open her present first. Oh, look a ball...

Whoa.... Catnip!!!

"No one lays a hand on MY catnip!"

Was Carter really this good?? While it might look like he was spoiled, Santa wrapped each item separately so that it looked like a lot. Since Carter only has 6 months of high school left, he wanted some "grown-up" gifts, mainly clothes that don't have to adhere to the school dress code.

So here's a shirt he can wear at college. Any college, I guess.

Casey got a few shirts, including one for the Vikings and one for the Cubs.

Meanwhile, Jim got a Reds shirt. Yup, there's no family loyalty when it comes to baseball. We're all on different bandwagons.

Casey got some gift cards, too. Always interesting to take pictures of that! This one's for Granite Peak, where he can go snowboarding.

 Carter got some wireless light-up speaker that he had to have!

Our next-door neighbors dropped by with this awesome gift for Jim. Mick and Niki made the sign, but it was "from" their dogs Murphy and Charlie. Since Jim works in a home office, he walks the "boys" every day. Such thoughtful dogs!

Speaking of thoughtful... Look at the cool shirt I got! Apparently Jim bought it before the game last week and had to hide it in his jacket the whole time. Good thing I was distracted by the great game!

After presents, the living room was filled with wrapping paper and empty boxes, and the guys settled down to watch the Hallmark Channel. Wait... what? OK, they watched John Wayne and I went down to the basement and watched the Hallmark Channel. (Gotta love Photoshop, though!)

Casey left in mid-afternoon and I decided it was nice enough to go for a walk. My phone said it was 30 degrees but felt like 35. Hmmm.... So on Christmas we get a heat index? Either way, I put on my warm hat and ventured out and had my phone playing Christmas music in my pocket.

This is why, when I saw the cows, I thought of song lyrics and had to take a picture. I call this a Christmas carol "mashup"... The cattle are lowing while I am walking in a winter wonderland.

I know. Too much eggnog.

Too much everything. I can stay full for a day! Certainly wasn't going to exert myself too much. Christmas day is a guilt-free, couch-potato kind of lazy day. Just sit around, checking out photos from celebrations near and far, and counting another year of blessings.

Merry Christmas and peace to you and yours!

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