Saturday, December 5, 2015

My Domestic Christmas List

The delay in motivation today was not due to oversleeping, but rather my procrastination prowess.

For the record, I did get up before 8 a.m. because I had to get Carter up and out the door to volunteer at the humane society's Christmas bazaar. I had the tree up last night and brought up all the "trimmings" last night, too, so I could jump right on that first item on my To Do List.

Unfortunately, the first string of lights I grabbed didn't work. How do lights burn out in storage? I am sure they worked when I un-trimmed the tree last year or I wouldn't have packed them! I don't have extra miniature white lights around so this required a trip to town. Well, shower first so I looked presentable.

As long as I am going into town, I might as well stop at that bazaar, I thought. So I did. And there were so many people there that I was standing in line longer than I was shopping. Carter spent 4 or 5 hours helping carry heavy items to people's cars. They probably could have used 2 of him with that crowd. All I got was a little decoration or two and some homemade fudge.

I took the fudge over to Jim's aunt and uncle's house a few blocks from there. Had a nice visit and enjoyed an eggnog muffin and some yummy cookies fresh out of the oven. Oh yes, my timing was perfect!

While I was there, a friend texted me about going to a movie, but I passed and vowed to get motivated. So from the Austins, I went to Wal-Mart to get the lights and a few other things. I made it back home at the stroke of 12 noon. Uff da. There goes the day!

Got busy right away on the tree (the wreath from wonderful Arndts' Trees was already up, thankfully). It's not as fun decking the halls by myself, but I enjoyed putting up new ornaments.

Got these fellas last year. Aren't they cute?

And look at this sweet sweater! Not an ugly sweater at all, in my opinion.

The finished results. Yes, it is a "skinny tree" and yes, there are presents underneath already!

After the trimming, I dusted and vacuumed, then took a 2-mile run in my "spring" running gear. It got up to 47 degrees, I think! Nice.

After that and a second shower, I did round 2 of cleaning, basically wiping everything down with Clorox wipes to kill sick germs. The crud I had and gave to Jim has lingered enough that he went to the doctor to get meds yesterday and Carter needed cough drops today. Not good.

While Jim whipped up some homemade chicken noodle soup, I decided to start wrapping presents. Actually, I really just wanted to sit and watch a Hallmark movie, but figured I better multi-task. You know you've bought too many presents when it takes TWO Hallmark movies to get them wrapped!

Not that I rushed things.

At least my Christmas To Do list is mostly checked off. Just have the biggie – some sort of card or letter to magically come to mind. I'll tackle that tomorrow and hopefully more of my non-holiday tasks.

Somehow I've got to work on things I can tie into more movie time. I'm just thinking productivity, that's all.

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