Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Waiting for Santa Claws

While checking out the South Wood County Humane Society Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, I spotted a cute little stocking that reminded me of our kitty.

Last night I caught Sylvester having a conversation with her new friend. Of course, the stocking could never be as pretty as our princess, but it might qualify as an ugly step-sister.

Naturally, we wonder if Santa Claws, er Claus, will think she's been a good girl this year. I think that even though hubby groaned first thing this morning that kitty came to bed and woke him up an hour early, he would say she's been purr-fect.

She's about the only one counting down to Christmas around here. This is the first year in forever that we don't have an advent calendar of some sort in the house. Also the first year in three that we haven't been selling them either. Could be a coincidence.

I'm having issues embracing the fact that it is December 8 already. When I was on more of a regular work schedule in publishing, I kept better track of time. Now, I look at the a calendar and can't believe we're celebrating my family's Christmas in less than 2 weeks and it's just a little more than 2 weeks until Christmas Eve.

Don't remind you, right?

I don't have a single card sent and can't find my address label files. I know they were saved on a thumb drive/ flash drive, but... I have plugged in 10 flash drives so far with no success. I hope it's on the 11th, once I find it. Or maybe it's the 12 flash drives of Christmas.

To put myself in the holiday mood for this quest, I have the house smelling like gingerbread. I baked a "gingerbread cake" so I can make my Eggnog Gingerbread Trifle for work tomorrow. At least I know where my trifle bowl is. I think I got it around the time I was doing Christmas cards last year. Maybe I should check the box for a flash drive.

Otherwise I'll have to ask Santa Claws for help. The question is, have I been good enough?

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