Friday, December 11, 2015

Nice Spring We're Having This Winter

It's not exactly Indian Summer, but I'll take it. The weather has been so mild this week, I love it!

And I don't mean the "It's 35 degrees in Wisconsin so no jacket required." I mean temps as warm as 50 degrees and then some. Like tulips re-blooming and robins delaying their winter departure. That kind of nice.

Too bad I've been chained to my desk most of the week.

Still, it's nice to take a few walk breaks. And though I haven't had time to take a 9-hole walk break, I do have some friends who golfed this week and the courses around here – yes, central Wisconsin – are open. Crazy.

It's no wonder I can't get over the fact we are approaching mid-December!

Tonight after work, hubby and I traveled up to Wausau to watch the Assumption girls take on their rivals, Newman Catholic. I told Jim we might as well enjoy some away games as long as we don't have to worry about the weather. And the Lady Royals got a huge hoops victory as a bonus!

I know there are those ice fishermen and snowmobilers not thrilled with el Nino. It's probably at the heart of my nearly 2 months of respiratory issues, too. But I can't speak badly of it. My FitBit tells me I need to get a lot of steps this weekend. I'd rather enjoy some scenery doing it.

And maybe swing a club or something while I'm at it. You never know around here.

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