Thursday, December 31, 2015

Another Year in the Rearview Mirror

I love the simple wisdom here. If you are like me, you tend to use the New Year time to think about what you need to change, rather than reflecting on the past year and acknowledging all you've accomplished (including staying up until midnight to ring in the new year!)

It's not a bad thing to want to improve, just don't sell yourself short. Yes, I am speaking to myself, too!

Looking back, I did have a good year overall. A very good year.

Mostly it was a year marked by change. And yet, we survived it all.

Let's see...

I have learned to let go. Well, first we did help my mom let go by helping her with a "downsizing" project and sale, but I still have a ways to go under my own roof. Some progress, though. I also managed to let my baby go... all the way across the ocean to Germany! I guess you could say we survived our dry run of being Empty Nesters. Wasn't too tough to take in the summer time when there are distractions like golf and golf. Will be tougher in 2016!

I have become stronger, physically, at least. A year ago, I couldn't do one push-up and now I have nearly a year of strength and kickboxing training under my belt. Speaking of letting go, I did let go of a few pounds and hubby let go of a lot. Somehow we both did pretty well sticking to our routines this year – he much better than I. Still, the progress towards health will stay with us as we round the bend and enter the  Leap Year.

I have found courage. Never would I have dreamed a year ago that I would not be in publishing any more – at least not by my choice. But I ventured out to a new job in a new career in the educational software business writing field. And this dog is learning new tricks. A lot of them. Still lots to learn as my courage transforms into confidence.

Of course, I still haven't found the courage or strength to let go of some habits. I still love ice cream, I still can't make it to church early, I still interrupt too much, I still have a hundred things on my home "to do" list but I am a good person. Right?

Another year gone and another year of abundant blessings. And by blessings I mean the incredible people in my life – Jim and the boys, in-laws and out-laws, "family" from the neighborhood, church, book club, college, work, school (who we rang in the New Year with tonight) and more.

So amazed at these people and so privileged to be part of their lives. I can't accomplish anything, can't find strength, can't celebrate successes, can't take steps forward without them!

What did I achieve in 2015? Serenity. Satisfaction. Love. Joy.

See if you can top that, 2016!

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