Friday, January 1, 2016

CSI :: New Year's Edition

When you go to bed at 2 a.m. and get up at 10, you really aren't going to accomplish a whole lot before noon. Still, I wanted to start off the day with a walk before showering.

Unfortunately, when I saw the temperature was 23 but "feels like 10," I decided to wait awhile. Turns out it was quite awhile before the temperature was warm enough to feel like the 20s. Needless to say, it was almost 5 p.m. before showered. Hurray for the holiday!

When I did go walking, I was doing a little CSI – Critter Scene Investigation turned Crime Scene Investigation turned Carcass Scene Investigation...

I'm not an outdoorsy person but when I saw these tracks, it didn't take me long to conclude they belong to a turkey. Who else besides me would be stupid enough to be out in the cold? At least their excuse it that their brains are the size of a pea. (Please withhold comment!)

When I got to the turn and headed back, I started to notice something else – car parts on the road. Now I was wondering how I missed this while walking on the other side of the road, but realize now I was intent on not stepping on any ice ... and was investigating those tracks!

When I saw more car parts and a trail of feathers, it didn't take this detective long to put two and two together.

The poor turkey survived Thanksgiving and Christmas but not New Year's!

I know all of 3 things about turkey... They have a pea brain, their tryptophan makes us sleepy on Thanksgiving and, if you ever hit one with a car, it's like colliding with a flying bowling ball.

Now I believe it!

I'm kind of surprised the driver didn't stop to pick up their car pieces or at least get them off the road. But maybe they drove on and didn't realize they were leaving a trail of parts. And turkey parts. Ewww.

Yup I'm surprised, too, that I took pictures of something that gross, but it was an intriguing distraction from many hours on the computer today working on a freelance project.

2016 day one can be summed up in these words: coffee, computer, carcass, Christmas movie on Hallmark. And now I'm ready to crash!

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