Sunday, January 31, 2016

Isn't it Ironic...

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
~ Ironic by Alanis Morissette

The '90s song Ironic was in my head first thing this morning.

Just like the song lyrics say: Isn't it ironic I wait 30 minutes in line to pay for a car wash last night (above photo) and I wake up to FREE rain pouring from the sky?

That put a damper on my mood. Yes, pun intended.

It was actually more of a sleet-type rain. But it changed to rain then tapered off by late afternoon. I had a few tentative plans for travel – visiting my nephew in Winnebago and/or hitting Staples and Michaels, etc., in Stevens Point. I couldn't tell what the weather was going to do, so I did neither.

We did venture out as a family to attend the pancake breakfast at Assumption High School. Had a nice meal and visit with one of Carter's teachers. Came home and did a little freelance work then went grocery shopping. Apparently, we need to stock up for the week because of some Groundhog Day blizzard coming!

This could be serious business! The projections, as of today, put us in the 8-12 inches line. But we're only a quarter inch or so left of the 12-18 inches area on the map! So who knows?

I remember a few weeks we thought it was going to be snow-maggedon here in central Wisconsin and it was pretty much a false alarm. This one, though, they've been talking about since last week. We'll have to see what they know in 24 hours.

In the meantime, I made sure I enjoyed one more day of mild temps and took a walk with the neighbor. We liked that it was mild out but liked even more that it was still light after 4 p.m. Spring must be right around the corner!

Just might have to snowblow to get there.

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