Sunday, January 3, 2016

Border Battle

No matter how the game ended, both teams were going to the playoffs. Still, when it's a Border Battle AND a battle for the division title on the line, it's a big game.

Despite my subtle trash talk...

OK, maybe not so subtle... I didn't have a good feeling about this game. Earlier this season, the Vikings were on a hot streak and Packers were on a cold one – and the Packers took a W over in Minnesota. Same scenario today with the Vikings hot and Packers cold. And, since the game was changed to a night game, we had to wait all day to see if it would be deja vu all over again.

In typical Border Battle fashion, it came down to the wire. The very last play. And Norse Gods be praised, we came away with the win and the division title! SKOL!!

Of course, now I am too excited to sleep! Unless it's visions of PURPLE plums dancing in my head!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Gotta leave another team take the title once in a while!!! Glad it was your team and not the Bears!!!
Love ya always!!!