Monday, January 18, 2016

Crawl If You Have To

There are so many inspiring quotes from Martin Luther "I have a dream" King Jr. I like this one because it can apply to any aspect of life from trying to solve world or person conflict to reaching goals as simple as getting out of debt or following a diet and exercise program.

"If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

Since we had today off of work, I kind of took this to heart and moved forward on a few initiatives. Went to the 9 a.m. kickboxing class so that could be checked off my list for the day. Did a little grocery shopping so I could be in the below temperatures as little as possible. Then stuck to home, bouncing from project to project I never seem to have – or make – time for.

I now have my church committee annual report done. I have some freelance work done. I called my mother to check in. I finally ordered Carter's senior pictures and picked out his baby one for the yearbook, too.

Does this bring back memories? I blame my mom who reminded me graduation is less than 4 1/2 months away. Yeah, I get that! Let's not rush things!

Of course, this photo coincides with Dr. King's message. Gotta crawl first, then walk before you can run or even fly. Just take it one step at a time in the forward direction and you're good.

Naturally, that requires a good deal of patience, determination to try again when you fail, and a great support network. If things were easy, we could all do them, right?

I know I will never be in any situation remotely as challenging as MLK, but the few times I was at rock bottom, I really did have to start by crawling first to start the climb upward and forward. He was an amazing inspiration.

May you all find a piece of his wisdom and carry it with you every day.

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