Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Against All (or Most) Odds

I don't always wear my pajamas in public, but when I do it's because I had to run out an get Powerball tickets before it was too late.

When hubby and I were weekly purchasers of "chance," we hated it when everyone and their mother would come out of the woodwork and buy tickets just because the jackpot was big. Like $5 or $6 million wouldn't be enough.

Now we've become "those people."

We just fell out of the routine. Quite some time ago. Still, I've been hearing rumblings of a big pot for Powerball so I intended to get tickets before or after kickboxing. I forgot.

Got home and showered and got the jammies on when hubby says, "Did you buy Powerball tickets?" Whoops.

At least in the winter, you can throw on boots and big ol' jacket and no one is the wiser about what you're wearing underneath. Just add some lipstick and your good to go. Of course, since there are different or more numbers than there used to be, I had to fill out a new card. Great. Let me just keep my beautiful, makeup-less self on the surveillance cameras a little longer. And heck, why not have my sister-in-law stop in to buy tickets so she can see me at my finest?

I could probably buy her silence after tonight. Heck with $500 million or even $100 million, I could probably sponsor her son's race car this year.

But don't get me started on the wish list. The guy at the gas station is pretty sure they've sold $500 in tickets just tonight. So it would be against a LOT of odds.

I'm game.

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