Saturday, January 2, 2016

Shelf Life

On the Shelf: Not active socially; left to oneself in social matters.

It dawned on me this evening that I have not left the house in 2016. Other than taking a walk both yesterday and today (keep the streak alive!), I have gone nowhere.

Back in the day, I guess they'd say I was "on the shelf." Today, though, in an unusual bout of ADD and OCD, I was on, er by, all the shelves.

I had planned to do my Saturday chores first, but not wanting to disturb kitty napping in the living room, I tackled the cluttered kitchen counter. That led to cleaning all the counters (except that one), then actually cleaning out the fridge and freezer. And I mean everything out. Every shelf and drawer washed and only unexpired food back in. Ha. Sounds logical, yet some things just get hidden behind the countless opened and abandoned bottles of water!

With the fridge done, I decided to go for a walk while the sun was still out. Actually got hubby to go with me! Or I should say, I went with him. I was tagging along, taking my grandma steps so I wouldn't slip on ice and he just cruised along. I guess if you walk with confidence that you won't fall, you won't.

For some reason after an early supper, I decided to continue my kitchen quest. On to more "shelf life" focus.

I threw out a variety of food, which is just terrible when kids are starving in Africa or China or, heck, the U.S., too. But it wasn't too much. And by not too much, it means I could still heft the bag out to the garbage can!

I even delved deep into the party cupboard...

In the category of "I'm keeping these because I might use them some day," I decided it was time for the used birthday candles and cupcake toppers to go. Do you see those numbers? Yeah... Those should have gone 3, 4, 5 cleanings ago. Honest, this is me holding them right before I dropped them in the garbage.

Wow, letting go is so freeing! In fact, I finally took a solid break after that. Like for the rest of the evening. (Even though I still have those Saturday chores to do!)

It just happens that we get some free movie channels this month so Jim has been recording a few. I need to watch my Christmas movies before they get edged out due to space! But tonight, we watched a movie together. 

Probably the last two people in the U.S. of A. to watch American Sniper, but we finally did. I knew the story. Knew how it would end. But still, sobbed, I mean sobbed for a good 15 minutes, maybe half hour, after.

Jim says, "I suppose you're not gonna sleep tonight after seeing all that blood!"

I think that's his way of saying, "Why not watch a Hallmark movie?" 

OK! Certainly don't want those to reach their shelf life.


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