Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sleep Mode

Did you know a good night's sleep can get you fit? Truth. My new Fitbit measures important "fitness" activities from steps to stairs and, yes, even sleep.

Now I'm one of those people who can't even sleep with my wedding ring on. Too distracting for some reason. Like that pea under the mattress, I guess! So I have not worn my Fitbit bracelet to bed. That's why I was surprised when I received my weekly "Fitbit activity at a glance" email that there was sleep recorded.

There's no way I was wearing this in bed and not remembering it. My New Year's Eve was not that kind of fun.

So I logged in to my account to see when it happened. Wouldn't you know it -- New Year's Day. No, I wasn't napping. I was just plain lazy. In fact, 5 hours and 36 minutes worth of lazy! Did I watch that many Hallmark movies in a row? I must have.

If you notice the average times awakened, I "awoke" just enough 21 times. That's 11 times awake and 10 times restless, according to my "this is how you get fit" bit. Those movements were most likely to fast forward through commercials, refill my drink, go to the bathroom and search out snacks.

I should be embarrassed for being a slug but I also recorded nearly 8,000 steps that day, so I couldn't have been that bad.

Of course, there are lots of steps involved with climbing the basement stairs, trekking to the kitchen, back down to the couch, up to the bathroom, back down to the couch, up to the kitchen again...

Wow, I'm getting fit just thinking about it! Sweet dreams.

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