Friday, January 8, 2016

Construction Instruction

This is the second school year that Carter's school has opted for a different schedule for reporting grades. They now end the first semester prior to Christmas break, with finals the days leading up to the holiday. In order to keep the second semester on its same "old" schedule, they hold a Winter Symposium term for the two weeks after New Year's.

Last year, Carter took some American Experience class that ended up not having much sightseeing or experiences. This year, he is actually enrolled at nearby Mid-State Technical College for an "Introduction to Civil Engineering" course. While that is not the area of engineering study he plans to pursue, it is still a valuable class that parallels to some of the things he may need to know for mechanical, electrical or software engineering.

Probably knowing the difference between cement and concrete won't matter so much, but it did result in a field trip to see how that knowledge was paired with engineering and architecture to build the south end of Lambeau Field.

This a file photo of construction. It is obviously complete now because the Vikings scored there last weekend.

I asked Carter if he took any pictures today and he replied, "No, it wasn't worth photographing since I  just went there two years ago with our (German exchange students)." Oh I am sure that response breaks the hearts of a few of his aunts and uncles! Nothing, nothing at all worth photographing? Love that kid! (I'm sure they do, too.)

Thankfully, he has a whole week to recover before it's back to school as we know it. And if that's the worst thing he has to suffer through with this class, I think he's gonna be OK.

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