Saturday, January 23, 2016

Sunny Side Up

Honestly, I do feel bad for the people out East dealing with Jonas, but I get a little giddy when we have a gorgeous winter day in central Wisconsin.

And by gorgeous, I mean it was sunny and temperatures were in the double digits. Still below the freezing mark, but they were working their way up.

It didn't take Sylvester long to find her place in the sun.

I believe she is saying, "Why yes, I do plan to lay here all day. Do you have a problem with that?"

It really made me long for Mr. Deck Chair, but it wasn't THAT nice. In fact, I was mostly indoors but the sun just gives you energy sometimes, you know?

I went to kickboxing first thing. Did a little grocery shopping. Got my Saturday chores done. Baked a Hornet's Nest Cake for a church potluck tomorrow. Ordered almost 300 photos for my upcoming scrapbooking weekend. Shredded a long overdue pile of papers. De-cluttered my office a bit. Went for a walk! And managed to sneak in a non-Christmas Hallmark movie tonight.

See, that sun is amazing! If you need further proof, check out this photo a friend of ours took after a day of ice fishing on Lake Petenwell.

Nice work, Jeff. With the sun setting like a cross, it's a good reminder that the Son is amazing, too!

Hope you enjoyed the day!

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