Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Stressed, Nuts, Posting by an Open Wire...

Love these 5 tips for happy holidays I came across tonight. You know you might be a little stressed when "Chestnuts roasting by an open fire..." transforms into I am Stressed, Nuts, Posting (blogging) by an Open Wire (or wireless).

OK. I'm not THAT stressed. Work is crazy busy, but that is good. That means I am contributing as a real employee who may know what she's doing. There will be some long days to finish out the year, but I will feel accomplished.

Tonight I couldn't stay late because I had previously scheduled bell ringing from 5-7 p.m.

Or as I like to call it, belle ringing. Ha. Don't I look like a southern belle (or something) decked out in my sparkly hat?

The time went quickly tonight as the store was super busy and lots of people stopped to drop in everything from pennies to twenties. I have quickly been reminded that you can't judge people by their looks. A scruffy-looking guy in dirty clothes comes in followed by a sharp-dressed lady in killer heels. Guess who puts a $10 bill in the kettle on the way out? Not her.

When a toddler put a dollar in and I gave her a piece of candy, she used sign language to say "thank you." Well I just wanted to cry. This cute little girl in pink will never have the kind of life I (and maybe some of you) take for granted.

Feel so blessed. Every time I give – of my time or talents – I always get something back. At a minimum, I find reason to count my blessings.

Tonight I was also grateful that there was a ringer before and after my shift. Last week I had an empty bucket to fill. Tonight, I was relieved by a group of 8 or 10 boys who planned to sing carols. What a special gift to give the shoppers and generous souls who walk by and contribute to the kettle.

Take a tip – or 5 – from me. Stop and enjoy the season before you get stressed and nuts and postal!

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