Thursday, February 4, 2016

Supper Star

Nope, the blog title is not a typo. I am not a super star, but rather a supper star, hoping to lose enough of the supper to turn it into super.

After 2 weeks on Weight Watchers I received my 5-pound star sticker! Who knew a simple sticker – not even a glittery one like this one – could motivate someone? I'm not known for being the sharpest knife in the drawer. More like the biggest spoon for eating ice cream!

But whatever the motivation, I am keeping on track. So far.

What have a I learned so far? The program is easy to follow, especially with an app on my phone. Just so easy. I don't have to labor over a handwritten journal (because we know that's hard work). Instead I can just punch a button or two or even scan the bar code on the product to determine its Smart Points value.

Secondly, I've learned that I don't feel deprived. I don't feel hungry. I can eat just about anything. Just have to be mindful of the points so I don't overindulge all day that way or at least all weekend. We do have "cushion points" that can be spread out over the week. I am trying not to use ALL of them, but just in time for the real Fat Tuesday next week, it's about to get tempting.

Dairy Queen in Wisconsin Rapids opens back up for the season tomorrow. Did they have to email a buy one-get one coupon today? I'd hate to see that expire.

Then I saw these in Walmart tonight. You know I absolutely love carrot cake. I have it so rarely that it is a huge treat when I do.

I just wanted to buy a package and lick out the frosting center on the spot. But, for the record, I walked away from them.

This time.

Temptations are everywhere. I just need to stay strong and choose my treats wisely. If I completely deny myself I will be that shopper eating her way through a container of Carrot Cake Sandwich Cookies on the way out to the parking lot. Too much denial equals a binge for me.

I need to stay focused on the end goal. I want to change the supper to super. And I sure as heck don't want a binge video of me going viral on the Internet!

Just keeping it real, one day, er meal, at at time.

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