Friday, April 1, 2016

A High School Musical About High School Musical

Hard to believe, but despite watching 6 seasons of Glee, I did not watch a single one of the comparable High School Musical movies.

Until today.

Knowing we had tickets for tonight's production by Assumption students, I had to do some crash-course homework to feel prepared and, yes, knowlegible about the show. So I managed to watch/listen to the Disney production at work today. It's been established I am the queen of multi-tasking.

So this evening, with the songs still fresh in my head, I thoroughly enjoyed the production.

Assumption kids did a great job with the set. This was the first year it was not held at the high school. Instead it took place at the Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre venue located in the Centralia Senior Center building. Nice set-up there. A more intimate setting so not a bad seat in the house. We ended up sitting in the front row, so that was just fine.

Knew a ton of people in the show. That always helps. And the performances were two thumbs up.

Feel blessed to spend an evening with our Assumption family. The production did not, however, prompt me to want to watch versions 2-7 of the movie, but still fun.

Hope you had a fulfilling Fools Day today, too!

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