Friday, April 15, 2016

Tax-ing Day

Although April 15 is typically called Tax Day, it is not a federal holiday or free day off of work. Unless you make it one.

I made a spur of the moment decision at the end of the work day yesterday that I would take today off. When I saw the forecast called for sunny skies and temps in the low 70s, it just sounded like a great day to have the windows open and get some spring cleaning done.

Gasp! I know... the undomestic goddess has a strange domestic side that sometimes crawls out from under the dust bunny.

So I slept in by Robyn standards and went to 9 a.m. kickboxing class. So nice compared to 5:40 a.m.! Came home and decided to wash windows first. Well, after a cup of coffee. I don't "do windows" very often so it was actually a mammoth project.

My tools of the trade were these three items from Norwex. No, I don't sell it. No, I am not having a party. I am just sharing the environmentally friendly and EASY way to clean windows. No smelly chemicals to ingest, just water. Simply wash with the green microfiber cloth and wipe dry with the special purple window cloth. Then, get the dusting glove wet and wipe across the screens. Easy, peasy and they're clean!

We have 6 windows in our bedroom alone. See the windows on the right, which are cleaned with my tools. The left are still dirty and dusty and not a completely clear picture.

Wa-laa! After water and my magic cloths, kitty has a clear view out her favorite window!

Since our windows can be "flipped" open to wash both sides from inside the house, I only had to wash a few windows from the outside. Inside I battled Asian beetles and outside it was the wasps making their spring appearance. (If anyone has tips on how to eradicate those beetles, please share!)

At least they gave Sylvester something to watch while I slaved away.

After 3 hours, 18 windows and screens were all cleaned, inside and out. It was about 2:30 p.m. before I finally took a shower. Jim had already left by then to go coach the baseball game up in Wausau. I knew I wasn't going to go because I had more to do and I can make their home game tomorrow.

When I sat down finally, after the shower, though, I was beat. I realized I'd been on my feet for hours! I had a hard time getting back up but I knew I better get more done if I took a day off to do it. So I got my dusting and sweeping and vacuuming done and some laundry. I actually hung up the clothes on the drying rack and carried it outside. Almost like a clothesline. And they dried quickly.

I know. This is sounding way too domestic to be me.

Took a walk later when my neighbor got home from work and pretty much called it quits after that. I do have a pair of Carter's pants to fix. Yes, it will require sewing. If I'm not careful, this undomestic goddess is going to the dark side!

I'll stop myself before that happens. It's been too TAXing of a day to make a habit of it.

Happy Tax Day!