Saturday, April 9, 2016

Senior Moments :: Prom

When you wake up to 19 degrees, it can only mean three things: it's still garage sale weather, it's prom day and you are in Wisconsin!

After a chilly morning working at the garage sale – complete with long underwear, hand warmers in my shoes, hat, scarf and mittens – I felt bad for the girls in dresses who would have to stand outside for prom pictures today.

Carter and the guys are kind of lucky they have long sleeves AND a jacket to wear. At least for that part of the day.

He left before 4 to go pick up his date and friend, Allyse, and then squeeze in photos with some of the junior class at the museum (her classmates) and the senior class at the Mead Inn (Carter's class). After that, some of us parents when to Jennings to eat before heading to the Grand March at 7:30 p.m.

A few photos highlights from the day before Cinderella (me, not his date) turns into a pumpkin at midnight...

I should know better than to have us squinting in the sun. But at least we got a picture of the three of us before he left us for better-dressed friends!

Carter and Allyse trying to stay warm posing at the museum.

Carter and the cool T-cats (Tyler and Tony) who live at our house some weekends.

Junior boys and miscellaneous senior boys who are dates of junior girls. If you recall from last year, it's a tradition for junior boys to wear white tuxes. Not required by any means.

Classmate, friend and German co-traveler Nathaniel.

Mason, another friend and classmate who traveled halfway around the world with him!

Ava, one of three adorable sisters who call Jim "Mr. Awesome" instead of Mr. Austin.

Her sister Ellie with Mr. Awesome.

Inside the Hotel Mead, it was warmer for picture taking, but the lighting wasn't ideal. A mix of seniors, juniors and sophomores here.

Grand March time. No way I was getting a decent pic from my seat in the bleachers.

Thankfully we could grab photos afterward before they kicked out spectators to start the dance!

Carter and his VIP guests Grandma Austin and Auntie Sherry. (You can see from the background, they had a Greek theme.)

Carter and another special guest, a former Assumption graduate who continues to adore Carter and vice versa. Hannah is just a cool, forever kind of friend. It's neat.

Classmate and bud Macie.

Fellow goofball, cross country teammate and dishwashing co-worker Theo.

Friend and co-traveler Trevor. 

Good friend Emilie and a former homecoming date.

Good friend Macyn and previous homecoming date as well.

Just like his dad, Carter has had a different date to each dance in high school. But they've all been great friends who are just fun to hang around with. Cool memories all around.

Can't believe this is the last time we'll see Carter in a tux... for quite some time anyway. That part we don't need to rush either. Let's just enjoy prom weekend and break tradition by getting 8 hours of sleep.

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