Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Senior Moments :: Reality Checks

When I saw this display at Wal-Mart tonight, reality hit. I can no longer just walk on by a graduation display thinking it's for other shoppers. It's my turn.

This "stuff" is getting real!

Typically, my first thought would have been, "Oh I'm way ahead and bought my partyware already." But instead it was more like, "Ohmigosh. 2016. It's here. And it's very, very close."

We had one of our remote employees in the office yesterday and today. When she was ready to take off for home in Minneapolis, she mentioned she wouldn't be back until June. I said, "Wow. Next time I see you I will have an 18-year-old AND a high school graduate!)

Again, that's not that far away.

Just 10 days to adulthood (any gift ideas when we'll his big party less than a month later?). Uff da.

When I mention to hubby about things I still have to do, he says, "I think you're putting way too much into this party." To which I reply, "It seems like it because I keep mentioning the things I have to do but haven't taken time to DO them!" It's not more, just the same old "To Do" list that is not getting "too done."

Now that I've had a dose of reality, I guess it's go time. Only 5 Wednesdays to Baccalaureate. If I want to start counting that way. Basically, it means, get off the computer and DO something. And I will.

But the Twins are playing the Brewers again so they are on TV here again. Either I find something multi-tasking friendly to do while I cheer them on, or I figure out a way to pause time for an hour, maybe a week or month or longer.

This stuff is getting too real for this momma.

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