Friday, April 8, 2016

Out of Season

Woke up to this. AGAIN. Went to early kickboxing class and it was snowing enough to cover the car while I was in class. Bit slick out there, too.

My first thought: Looks like Garage Sale weather to me!

Right. If you get time this weekend, head on down to 9410 80th St. S. for a multi-multi-multi-family sale! Need to bundle up? There are clothes from baby girl to 2XL men! Lots of books, household goods, toys, furniture and "man stuff" too! Today through Sunday, 8-4.

I had to work my normal job today. But if you bring me hot yummy coffee when I'm on sale duty tomorrow, I'll give you a discount!

Or something.

Pretty much snowed all day. This is the view from inside my car after work, when I sat there pondering if I really had to get out and brush the car off or if the snow would just fly off when I hit the gas. In the end, since it was such a sticky mess, I had to get back out in the wind and swirling snow and deal with it.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say the flakes were so big, they hurt my eyes. It was weird, crazy and moderately painful.

So when I got home, I just stayed home. I have worked enough this week, I didn't want to have to DO anything. Since the guys were both gone for their activities, I plopped on the couch and watched Wheel of Fortune, followed by a movie.

When Jim got home he wondered if I was just getting home or just leaving because it was 8 p.m. and I hadn't turned my blanket on yet. Wow. Guess my butt was literally anchored to the couch.

Remember that one nice day in March when we didn't need the blanket on? Yeah, I can't really recall it either!

I just know it does not LOOK like Garage Sale Season. But tomorrow better LOOK and FEEL like it ... and Prom Season, too.

Uff da. If Mother Nature is bi-polar, I hope tomorrow is the non-polar vortex mood. That's so last season.

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