Monday, April 4, 2016

Season Opener, Almost

I had to customize this Maxine cartoon for the official opening day of the MLB season.

For my Minnesota Twins, it got off to rain-delayed start. For our Assumption Royals, it didn't get off at all.

Apparently 33 degrees is not ideal baseball weather down in Adams-Friendship. So we'll have to see if that game can get squeezed back into an already busy schedule. I suspect that's why they schedule so many. As we've seen the past month especially, you never know what spring is going to bring in Wisconsin.

Since the Twins started late out in Baltimore, I got to keep tabs on the game before and after kickboxing. They were behind 2-1 when I left town, tied when I got home and now they just lost, 3-2, in the 9th. At least they played a full game. Hoping I get to see them and that handsome Coach Molitor (speaking of tight baseball pants) in person this season – only when it gets warm by Robyn standards, though.

On the "basketball baggies" side of things, tonight is the season ender for NCAA hoops. Haven't paid much attention after my bracket died AND the Badgers lost. I guess hubby is in the money. Not enough to build a baseball dome for Assumption, but some dough.

I'm guessing I won't stay up to watch the Final Two. Gotta catch The Voice first, then I'll check in. Since the show is only mid-season, I've got more time to invest there, yet. No tight pants, but Adam, Blake and Pharrell have their own style of charm.

As long as the weather is crappy outside, I can put up with it.

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