Thursday, April 14, 2016

Double Dipper

Even though we live less than 2 hours apart, my high school bestie and I don't see each other in person as often as we should. Granted, we have gotten a lot better over the past few years – and do try to connect when we are in each other's "neighborhoods," so to speak.

Last week, Julie informed me she was traveling for work in Madison up to Stevens Point for the afternoon (today). So we arranged that I'd book over to the Point/Plover area after work and we'd meet up to chat and chew.

So I got out of work a bit early and we ate at Chili's, which always has a little bit of something for everyone. Since I get there maybe once a year then I had my "usual," the Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich. Nope, not Weight Watchers friendly, but I saved up all my points for that meal.

Even though we just talked at length on the phone last weekend, there is always catching up to do. And it's just nice doing it face to face.

As a bonus, she also brought her Nesco and few supplies for Carter's graduation party for me.

As a double bonus, you KNOW where I took her for dessert! Come on, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't take her to King Cone? Naturally, she marveled at all flavor choices – 36 today. I had a new one called Hanke Pankie, that had a mix of peanut butter and caramel. Good mix! And she had Mint On My Pillow, which is a great after-dinner dessert!

Yes, we got the small cup and nope, it is not Weight Watchers friendly either. But I think the points were reduced since I'm sharing the experience with an out-of-towner. Something like a tourism discount.

Hey, it helps me sleep at night!

Either way it was a double treat to see her and splurge with her. That's the value I was counting!

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