Saturday, April 16, 2016


When you wake UP and temperatures are UP, you know it's going to be a pretty good day. When you wake UP and check the Twins' score and see they are finally climbing UP into the win column – for the first time in 2016 – you know it's going to be a pretty good day.

When they double their wins this afternoon, you know it's going to a great day! Keep on winning, Twins. You've got a long way to go!

Since I was up early, I went to our new Core-Strength-Tabata class, which turned my legs into jelly and may leave me immobile tomorrow. Uff da.

Came home from that and showered quickly so I could get back into town for book club at 9:30 a.m. Good discussion about the book Atonement by Ian McEwan, which I didn't care for, but we all had varying opinions.

From there, I headed over to Witter Field, where our Assumption Royals were hosting Eau Claire Regis in a double-header.

Since the weather was going to be nice, brought my "good camera" and proceeded to get a picture of everybody on the team, I believe, including my favorite coach! That was the UPside. The downside is that they definitely and soundly beat us both games. Darn.

I walked around taking pictures from different angles and still managed to get sunburned. By the time I got home after 4:30 and sorted through a hundred or so photos, I still didn't get Mr. Deck Chair front and center. He probably won't even be talking to me when I put him in his place tomorrow. 76 degrees is the forecast. Oh I love when the temperature has nowhere to go but UP.

Of course, the nice weather makes us think summer and, therefore, think campfires.

So we walked across the street for a neighborhood campfire / talking smart session. How UPlifting to be sitting around a fire again and not freezing our butts off. The only downside was the sound of coyotes yipping nearby. That is pretty freaky that they are so close.

Hopefully they don't like silly neighbors and campfires, or disappointed baseball coaches, or ecstatic Twins fans. Then we should all be looking UPward and thanking our stars for that!

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