Thursday, April 28, 2016

When the Going Gets Tough, It's Time for a Makeover

Who knew 6 weeks ago when I scheduled my appointment with my hair artist that I would need a pick-me-up today!

This has been such a downer of a week. So I decided when I went for my 50 Shades of Gray removal after work, I'd maybe get rid of something else, too.

My current hair has taken forever to grow. Hubby claims it's because I get it cut too often. Really, my girl only trims off a half inch or so each time. Nothing major.

It's not terribly long, but finally beyond shoulder length. Long enough to get into a pony tail and all that, which I do like. I just had this urge to go short today. And I mean short. But the little voice inside my head said, "Uhm, yeah, Jim would not be happy with that." I think he believes women get short hair at a certain age because they don't care anymore or something. Well, I do care. I just wanted a change.

So we compromised and I only got 2 or so inches cut off. All over. So it is still to my shoulders, but feels light and fluffy and like a new look!

Sorry, I look like I'm in a police line-up. I was concentrating on how to get the hair in the frame and show it is shorter. Kind of weird to grab the back and not much is there! But I'll play around with it and see what different styles I can do with this. It seems to "body" up easier. That will be nice.

So there's my excitement for the day. No bad news. Unless Jim doesn't even notice when he gets home. Ha. And the good news is that I didn't take a cue from any of Carter's previous styles...

One month from TODAY and this little guy trades in his mohawk for a mortar board. Uff da. Lots of change going on!

Good stuff.

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