Thursday, October 6, 2016

And the Band Played On

With a dozen senior band members graduating last May, there sadly has not been an Assumption Pep Band appearance this year for home football or volleyball games.

Until tonight.

According to the band director, the challenge has been low numbers and no low brass. Without Carter on baritone, she now has one of her trumpet players handle the baritone, trombone, any low brass instrument while she fills in on trumpet. Not the best option, but doable.

She has an additional challenge this week for the Homecoming football game. Not enough band members for a Marching Band performance and potentially not enough for pregame entertainment. As it happens, the three trumpet players (and one of the flutists) run cross country, and they have a meet Saturday morning. The football game starts at 1 p.m. so there's no guarantee they'll make it there on time.

So as Miss Molly stated, desperate times call for desperate measures. In other words, she begged me to beg Carter to play this weekend. And I'm sure she did that with other class of 2016 musicians. Carter was pretty adamant he wasn't going to. In his words, Miss Molly says "just pregame" and that's how she lures in the alumni.

Ha. Well, it worked. Carter allegedly has agreed to it but, he says, only because some of his classmates who are home this weekend are going to play as well. Can't wait to try one more time to take his picture and have him hold up that big baritone in front of his face.

In fact, I had to text him this picture of two of his buddies (aka my other "sons") to prove that there is no shame in being cooperative for a mom with a camera!

By the way, they sounded awesome. A great way to start off another Dig Pink night at volleyball. The band did have a little help from 4 alumni who happened to be home and willing to assist. Helped round out the sound with high, medium and low. Very nice to hear again. Excellent as always.

It's comforting to know that no matter how many Royals come and go, the band plays on...

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