Sunday, October 30, 2016

Seeing Red

Finally I remembered this year to wear red to church on Reformation Sunday! It was fitting, too, that we only have a few colored leaves left in our yard and some of them are red, too!

Had to take a few pictures because, well, what am I going to photograph once the last ones are gone?

It looks like a nice sunny day but it was mostly cloudy and just cool enough I could not bond with Mr. Deck Chair or anything crazy like that. Did get out for a walk though.

I like seeing the "veins" in the leaves. It's like a red life line. Only I don't faint when I look at this one.

Not all leaves are perfect either, especially when some bug has been munching on it. What do you see when you look through that hole?

You see red! And not in a bad way. Good reminder that there is always a different, maybe even positive, way to look at things. I need to keep that top of mind because, well, tomorrow is another MONDAY after all!

Hope you get a chance to enjoy those last colored leaves clinging to trees like a life line!

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