Saturday, October 22, 2016

School House (Work) Rock

Back in the old days (aka when I was a kid), our Saturdays started off with some entertaining education in the form of School House Rock. Today, I had my own ABCs...

Awoke: Early. Officially awake at 7:03 a.m. on the one day I could sleep in. What is wrong with this picture??

Book Club: We had our monthly book club meeting at 9 a.m. at From the Ground Up coffee house. This month we discussed Moloka'i, a very interesting historic fiction story set in the early 1900s when people with leprosy were sent away to a Hawaiian island. Sounds like paradise now, but then, not so much. Good discussion and always great to see the girls.

Cleaning: Since it was going to be 60 degrees and sunny, I opened some windows and dove into my "fall cleaning." Did the basic dusting and vacuuming, then spent a lot of extra time in the kitchen, organizing cupboards and getting rid of expired food I was sure I'd make since spring cleaning.

Anyone need some versatile plastic storage containers? They are even disposable. Who knew? They are obviously near and dear to me so I want them to go to a good home. Let me know ASAP before this temporary willingness to let things go passes. Actually, I did find a good home. One of my friends from church said these are always useful when there is leftover food after luncheons and funerals, etc. So I'll drop them off at church tomorrow morning and, after church, drop off 5 bags of plastic bags at the plastic bag recycling center in Walmart. Oh yes, I was a busy bee.

Deck Chair: That's Mr. Deck Chair to you! I was relieved that it was so nice out because Jim rode with friends down to UW-Whitewater for a football game vs. UW-Stevens Point. As a UW-W alum, he got to enjoy a homecoming victory! I, on the other hand, enjoyed a little time with Mr. Deck Chair. Probably not even 15 minutes, but it's the thought that counts.

Exercise: I am writing these out of order to keep them alphabetical, but I did exercise first so I deserved that Deck Chair time! Went for 3-mile run. Walked a little bit where it was sunny so I could slowly catch a few rays. Ha. Always multi-tasking!

Fire: When Jim got home tonight, we went across the street to enjoy a fire at the neighbors for awhile. Crazy how much it cooled off this evening. Can see our breath! That's the fun of fall, I guess. At least the fire was warm. Obviously. And there was freshly baked chocolate cake to boot! This was quite the day!

Goodnight: I really should end this on goodnight but I have to include an H!

Hallmark: Since I had the house to myself all day, I could blast the 80s music while I was cleaning. This evening, though, I just had to sit and relax a bit. Did I actually watch a Hallmark movie called "Pumpkin Pie Wars"? Why, yes I did. Things get a little crazy when I am running the asylum!

I: Am really signing off now. Early church in the morning. Gotta get rid of those Cool Whip containers! Night!

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