Sunday, October 9, 2016

Beauti-Skol Fall Colors

After a 6-hour round trip today, during the heart of autumn, I've come to the conclusion that the best fall colors are Purple and Yellow... and some breast cancer awareness Pink mixed in.

Left at 10:30 a.m. to take Carter and one of his classmates back to UW-Platteville. She mostly slept in the back seat while Carter sat up front with me, had his headphones on and typed Philosophy and English papers on his laptop. I was hoping for a tour of brilliant fall color.


I know I was traveling south so it was logically unlikely there would be more trees turning than here in central Wisconsin. But with all the weird pockets of color around the state, I thought I might get lucky. Nothing. Took a different route on the way back and between the two routes, there were more detours than colored leaves!

Carter was my wingman, though, and looked up important things on his phone for me... like how to shortcut a detour and still get where we're going without losing too much time. And more importantly, updates on the Vikings-Texans game!

Got there about 2 p.m. and I helped him carry his clothes and replenished food supply to his room. Got to see his roommate again. They are well-suited for each other and get along great. So that's good! Couldn't stay long as I essentially was making a U-turn with a drop-off, right?

But look! I had a no tears goodbye! For real.

How did I manage? Well I plugged in an audio book to distract me. Had to pay attention to road construction and detours. And kept checking updates on the Vikings game until victory was in hand! Tried not to think at ALL about the nice but quick weekend. Or not seeing our baby again for another month.

Just enjoyed those beautiful Purple and Yellow fall colors!

Works for me. SKOL!

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