Monday, October 17, 2016

Bold and Beautiful

I often feel sorry for this tree in our front yard. Not sure how it's location was chosen, but it is stuck in that awkward position where nature wants it to grow and the power company wants to keep it trimmed away from their wires.

In the end, you have this malformed maple. Temporarily offering shade for college boy's car.

It's sad that we place so much emphasis on physical beauty and perfection. We may shy away or even turn away from someone with a deformity or even a defect as nonthreatening as bad teeth or obesity. We are drawn to the pretty and handsome ones. Yet, you can't deny that despite its defects, this tree is absolutely stunning!

I love the movie Shallow Hal. Even though it is a comedy, it has a good message about seeing people for their inner beauty (and inner ugliness).

Such a simple lesson, yet hard for me to apply to my life. I do get bogged down with worrying about physical appearance. I'll be 50 in a few years but heaven forbid anyone see my gray hairs. And I just said the other day, "I don't want fat vacation photos this year." Then I better get off my duff and get rid of the fluff!

And if I don't succeed, I don't. I am not cut out to be perfect.

I need to keep looking out the window and remind myself that despite my physical shortcomings, I can be bold and beautiful. I won't ever be "power line pretty," but I can be smart and funny and friendly and caring and creative and sweet and adorable and humble...

Yeah, I've got a ways to go. Probably should just call to make an appointment to have my "leaves" colored and go from there.

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