Saturday, December 28, 2019

Fifteen Furry Years

This weekend marks 15 years with our fluff ball Princess Poops-A-Lot! I'm still not a cat person, but I like her well enough.

At the time of her adoption, Mr. College was in first grade and really, really wanted a cat like his teacher Miss Kitty (her real name – well, short for Katherine anyway).

We picked out the cat. But since we were heading Up North for my family's Christmas, Carter had to wait a few days to get his gift. Santa gave him cat food and a brush and a food dish and litter box and, most importantly, this letter. You can tell it was folded and unfolded a million times as Carter showed it to everyone in the family!

If you can't read it, Santa basically tells Carter he can pick up his kitty on Monday and he can name her and keep her forever.

Carter decided to name her Sylvester since looked like Sylvester on the Baby Looney Tunes show – "but without the diaper." So even though she's a she, we kept the boy's name and mostly call her kitty or Sly or princess anyway.

She loved the Christmas tree and batting the ornaments and even climbing up in it!

Thankfully she outgrew that, but still loves to sit under the lighted tree. At 15, she still looks like a kitty sometimes, doesn't she? She's probably keeps her girlish figure because she only eats her dry cat food. No interest whatsoever in treats of any kind. She's still so pretty.

And still, just like day one above, bonded to her human. Which was not Carter and not me. Ha.

Ahh, Princess. So finicky!

1 comment:

swait said...

Ha-ha! So cute and funny. Love it!