Sunday, December 1, 2019

Hello, December

OK, Mother Nature. Just turned the calendar to December. Now it's legal to wake up to a scene like this! Not that I like it any better.

It was still snowing through the morning. Just not too hard. I think we probably got 4-6 inches here. But I haven't seen grand totals. Only bad part is that layer of ice slush under all that. Didn't venture out for church or anything for that matter.

Baked some banana bread before Carter left early in the afternoon. That's when I noticed like twinges and tweaks in my back. Yup. Overdid it on the shoveling yesterday. I know better. Or I should. So I laid low all day. My friend Cindy and I watched Phantom of the Opera to prepare ourselves for the real thing on Wednesday night. And that was about it – besides taking a few snow pictures because... why not?

Those teeny branches can hold a lot of weight!

Go ahead and block to the solar panel on top of the deck lights. There's no sun anyway.

Vikings flag survived and is ready to fly high for Monday night football!

This little leaf on top of a stick has more staying power than anything I know! Or maybe it's just stubborn. Now that I know a thing or two about.

Never have much water in our creek but just enough to reflect the snow. That's pretty.

Well, snow is always pretty when I can just look at it and not drive in it. Tomorrow will be re-entry to work after a 5-day weekend. Wow. And re-entry to commuting. I just realized I haven't left the house since Friday. I get how hibernation could be a thing.

I'll try it in 8-hour doses to start. G'nite! Happy December!

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