Monday, December 9, 2019

Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Snow

I'm pretty close to following the motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

But my version is more like: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this commuter from the swift completion of her work or her appointed massage."

Very sloppy mess out there today. But I definitely am committed to my monthly deep-tissue massage. I call it massage therapy so it sounds like I have doctor's orders to be there. Sort of do!

So I must go. No matter what type of roads I need to take to get there. Especially since the snow and slush are part of the reason I need to go this month. My back is still a little twinge-y after that heavy lifting Thanksgiving weekend. I know. I should ask Santa for a new body for Christmas or at least some quality replacement parts!

Haven't made a list, though, since I've already been gifting myself with time for pointless Hallmark movies and Christmas books (which I'll forward on to my sisters). The gifts that keep on giving.

I did remind Mr. College today that he better start making a list for Santa. As much as he loves funky socks, I don't think that's all he wants to get.

And yes, it IS only about two weeks to Christmas! Are you ready?

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