Monday, December 23, 2019

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells...

In one of my handful of trips around town today during my day off, I ended up behind the Batmobile. I'm guessing the owner things an 8 looks like an A. The Batman sticker is a clue, too.

Immediately I started thinking of the parody of the Jingle Bells song where we'd sing "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg. The Batmobile lost its wheel. And the Joker got away. Hey!" You didn't have a complete childhood if you didn't have that in your life!

I could have changed the words to "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robyn needs an eggnog shake!" I'm still bitter than neither McDonald's or Culver's in Rapids has them!

I could also change it to "Jingle bells, Batman smells, but the Vikings really stink!" It doesn't need to rhyme. Nothing we did tonight made sense. I guess we're in the giving spirit of the season. Merry Christmas, Packers. Enjoy your division title.

At least we're still in the playoffs. But we shouldn't be surprised to see lumps of coal (or a new playbook) in our purple stockings on Christmas!

On a positive note, I finished a 400+ page book during the game. Proved to be more interesting. Still probably cried more at the final score of MNF though. Where's a Hallmark happy ending when you need one?!

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