Thursday, May 6, 2021

Follow the Sun

What a treat it is to wake up to freezing temperatures and follow the sun westward, where it shines and creates Temps like these...

And no, they're not kidding when they say it's a dry heat.

After getting up at 4 a.m. to catch the 5 a.m. shuttle to the airport,  Raylene and I were thrilled to relax in and near the pool a few hours this afternoon. Later we went to dinner at Organ Stop Pizza, where you're entertained by a guy playing the Wurleitzer, and then played some cards tonight. 

It feels like we've been here a few days already. That's the perfect kind of vacation, right?

My only mishap was me falling over trying to take this selfie while balancing on a pool noodle of sorts.  Lost my balance, of course. But I learned my new cellphone really is water proof. Thank god!

Now we're both still on central time in our heads and really need sleep. Rayna and Paul assure us we should be in for another perfect day when we wake up.

Sweet (or sweat) dreams!

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