Friday, May 21, 2021

Heart Transplants

Even though I skipped blogging last night, the sun still rose today. Well, sort of. It's pretty much been raining off and on since yesterday. The bad news is that today's baseball and softball games were canceled. The good news is that the rain has magical powers. 

Nope. Your eyes do not deceive you. Robyn has had her first green thumb moment. Things are actually growing on purpose! And, there is now evidence I performed a successful bleeding hearts transplant!

Nearly 5 weeks ago, I took three of a friend's extra plants off her hands. With a chronic case of Black Thumb, I had no idea what I was doing. I dug out dead stuff, then put in these 3 new shrubs, and crossed my fingers.

I honestly thought they died since they wilted almost immediately. Then my friend said, "Have patience. They might grow new shoots. And they did!

When I looked out the back window today and saw the pink, I was so amazed. I know, it's a normal thing for most of you, but I can chart my gardening successes on one hand – and that includes the black thumb.

As for the 4 ferns I transplanted on the same day, we'll see. They appeared dead and now 2 of them have had a rain-driven resurrection. Fingers crossed.

And I'll cross my bleeding heart, too.

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