Monday, May 17, 2021

Optical Delusion

You've heard this before: Things aren't always what they seem. And sometimes when you get a peek at the real thing, it's beyond disappointing. It's sort of like the Wizard of Oz and the man behind curtain. Ooops. Spoiler alert.

It's like this pretty Vikings-colored flower I took a picture of yesterday. Today, upon closer inspection...

Holy scary, hairy legs, Spiderman! Eek! Let the heebie-jeebie creepy-crawlies begin! Not always a fan of surprises. Are you? 

That was a little life lesson some of us learned today and us older folks re-learned.

Our boy starts his new job next Monday and today was the day he was going to sign a lease for an amazing apartment. Well, according the online description and accompanying 67 photos, that is. The apartments and building (include pool and fitness center) looked gorgeous. We were all excited for this next big step.

But that next step forward turned into a 180, instead. Got the call that upon closer inspection, our new young professional saw a lot of optical delusions and deception. In his (modified) words, it might be too strong to say "crime-ridden crap hole," but "sketchy" was an understatement. 

You get the picture.

So it's back to square one with the clock ticking. That's the gamble when you for some reason you act like a normal adult and feel comfortable believing what you see. It can be quite a let down and, as the spider legs prove, even a bit scary.

God's got a plan here. He's the man behind the curtain we can actually put our trust in.

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