Sunday, May 9, 2021

Momma Mia


Sitting at the airport. Our plane just arrived so dang, we'll have to leave this glorious desert sun behind!

Had an awesome last day and Mother's Day!

Had a few more hours in the pool and sun, of course! It was 82 at 10 a.m. so it was a no brainer!

Then we had to pack and put our "winter" clothes back on to head back to the arctic tundra tonight. Comparatively speaking, anyway.

Stopped at Texas Roadhouse for dinner on the way to the airport. Busy place. It was like everybody and their mother were there. And maybe they were!

Got dropped off curbside at the airport. Hard to say goodbye because it was so nice to hang out with Rayna and Paul for few days and relax, relax, relax! Thanks for hosting us!

OK, time to board. We'll get into chilly Minneapolis around midnight. Here we thought going back to work would be the hard part after our mini-vacay. Pretty sure the non-spring temperatures will be.

So long, sunny Saguaro country!

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