Saturday, May 1, 2021

May Day, May Day

It's true. April showers do bring May flowers... tree blossoms at least.

And they bring warm May temperatures... yes, it does say 84 degrees on my phone! 

And May Day also means that handsome man above is 23 years old! Yup, time flies when you're leaping from childhood to adulthood! He's still in Platteville so I'm sure enjoying some birthday time with friends.

We were busy anyway. 

Well yesterday was crazy with softball and baseball both playing at the same time and winning 15-0 in both games. Since softball got done early, I was able to shoot pictures of baseball, too. Then, since hubby and his fellow coaches were in a great mood – first win streak since 2018 – we went out to eat afterward. By the time I got home and uploaded softball pictures, it was too late to do baseball and too late to blog.

This morning I got baseball uploaded right away and then walked around the lake and then went garage-sale-ing in search of some mindless books to read by the pool next weekend in Arizona. Didn't have any luck so stopped at Goodwill and picked up a few. 

Since hubby was golfing, I managed to bond with Mr. Deck Chair for a bit. It felt like summer. And it was awesome!

Tonight we had dinner in Stevens Point. We met up with two of his former co-workers (from long ago in Iola) and their wives. Pretty much sat around talking a few hours and it was kind of like old times. Only now we didn't have little kids with us and 4 of the 5 "kids" between the 3 couples are college graduates. Time flies.

Tomorrow it's supposed to get up to 77 here. But there's an 87% chance of rain. So I don't know if I can squeeze in another date with Mr. Deck Chair. Of course, since it was so nice out today I ignored Mr. Broom and Mr. Vacuum. It might be your day tomorrow, guys. 

We'll see if May showers bring motivation.

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