Sunday, May 30, 2021

Our Sunday Best

Today's Sunday best had nothing to do with the clothes we were wearing or the fact I had a nice walk around the lake or the fact my out-of-town BFF stopped for a visit or the fact that we saw a ton of friends at graduation parties – that we haven't been able to hug in a year.

Nope, the best part was a morning call from son number one in Washington state who proposed to his number one girl on her birthday yesterday and, of course, she said yes!

So the best Sunday news: Casey and Emily are engaged! We're so excited! And you can see from the photo here that our grandpup Rey is ecstatic her human daddy and mommy are getting married and providing her a happily ever after home.

We can't stop smiling about it. They are the best of friends and make each other happy, so that makes us happy!

The rest of the day was pretty good, too, but you can't beat having a fellow Mrs. Austin in our future. Can't wait to officially welcome you to the family!

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