Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Storm Chaser

Three things caused me a bit of stress today: 1) work, 2) seeing a snake in the front yard (thank you, neighbor dogs for racing over to rescue me after my scream), and 3) walking out of my deep-tissue massage session to a deep and darkening sky.

You've heard of storm chasers. Well I actually had the storm chasing me. It was coming in from the west and both the storm and I were heading east.

I was a storm "racer" – but hitting every red light trying to race it home.

This light turned green pretty quickly, but not as quickly as the clouds above were moving. Look how sunny and undisturbed life is up ahead to the east. Poor people!

It got windy and rainy here with a bit of lightning, but none of the hail they predicted. Yet. The baseball and softball teams were up in Wausau and Jim said they had lightning in the 6th inning. They were losing 7-0 anyway. Darn.

So I just stayed home and worked on some stuff for my Alaska Trip. Today's countdown...

It finally dawned on me tonight that whoa, that's only 3 weeks from today! Wow. My sister and I both have a lot to do in normal life between now and then. Hopefully nothing too stressful to deal with in the meantime... like, you know, snakes and storms.

Be careful out there! 

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