Saturday, July 29, 2023

Don't Bee Cruel

It was a typical Saturday of summer. Kind of. I slept in while hubby golfed at his usual 7:30 a.m. tee time. Then he came home and mowed the lawn and I took my sun-seeking sister out on the swing. Just two girls on a swing – watching our favorite human.

After we got enough heat, I took her inside and did some indoor chores. I had just finished vacuuming when Jim came in the house looking for ice. He accidentally disturbed a ground bees nest in the back yard and was stung in the ankle.

If you recall, he's extremely allergic. His epipen was in his golf bag but he didn't think he needed it just yet. It took less than 10 minutes for his palms to start itching like crazy (sometimes it's his fee) so we headed to the walk-in clinic, which thankfully is open until 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

When you have an bee sting allergy they push you to the front of the line and take you in while your spouse handles the paperwork. I remembered this from last time. Whew. Because they were busy enough he would have had serious issues be the time they called him in with the "regular" patients there.

One shot in the backside and a 20-minute wait, when just a trip to the pharmacy for additional meds and we were back to our normally scheduled Saturday programming.

First stop was a surprise 35th anniversary party for our friends Curt and Angie. And they were legitimately surprised. So that was cool. We were there an hour or so and by coincidence, we had another party in the Rudolph area about a mile or 2 away.

As soon as we got to Lars and Ashley's party, I felt like there was an angel (or devil) over my shoulder telling my to shake my hips and legs or, at a minimum, put on my blue suede shoes.

Too funny that for their annual summer party they hired an Elvis impersonator. And his voice was spot on!

And he was perfectly OK being part of our selfie. Thank you very much!

He also convinced Carter's former babysitters Jon and Audrey to dance!! 

During intermission, we returned to the anniversary party but we got evidence he changed into a typical Elvis jumpsuit. Pretty cool for someone who seems way too young to know Elvis!

We hung around the anniversary party campfire which was more like gasoline on plywood. But still, great company so how could we leave?

My camera phone captured the nearly full moon that lighted our way home. I don't know how Jim lasted all day with the Benedryl and other drugs without succumbing to sleep, but we made it home safe and sound. And while were gone, our next-door neighbor sprayed those two nests to death.

Have I mentioned lately how blessed we are? Hope you all are having a great (and safe) weekend too!

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