Thursday, July 20, 2023

It's Not the Heat

I realize we're in a bit of cool spell in Wisconsin (before next week's heat wave). I was complaining until we received this text from Carter today with the temperatures down in Selma, Alabama, where they're visiting his girlfriend's dad this week.

FEELS LIKE 111? Wow. I can only imagine how humid that is. Like step outside and you're instantly sweaty and sticky... and stinky, of course. Now I understand why the old timers always said it's not the heat, it's the humidity!

Here we are at golf league tonight wearing long sleeves in July because it was cool and windy. Makes me realize this is a pretty big country we live in. In central Wisconsin we finally got rain last night. Mostly a ton of lightning, but some rain. My family Up North got hail, so I'm OK ours was just rain.

Still, based on my limpy hanging flower baskets out front, we need more. Or I just need to take a break between golf rounds and work and actually water them.

Meh. Summer priorities.

If you're outside, just be careful out there. Hydrate and appreciate this brief season we call summer!

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