Monday, July 17, 2023

Just Chillin'

There's two kinds of chillin' happening on Blue Jay Drive. One is the relaxed vibe of our indoor cat on the outdoor swing, soaking in the sun.

The other is waking up to temps in the 50s and only reaching a high of 74. In MID-July! That is not for me!

I actually ran my little space heater in my home office today. Could not warm up. Then stepped outside, and that wasn't any better. Thank god I have an endless supply of hoodies! 

My opinion – because you didn't ask – is that summer's already going fast enough. Let's not jump ahead to fall. I do like fall, but I love summer heat. If the weather is going to be Robyn's version of crappy, then I chose rain not chill. At least that'll help my flowers, our grass, and the farmers. 

But since I'm not in control of any of it, I'll just choose Sylvester's method of chillin' instead.

Chill out and have a relaxing week when and where you can!

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