Friday, April 25, 2008

Life is GREY-t again

It's a grey, foggy day. Perfect! Oh, it feels GREY-t to be talking about a NEW episode of Grey's on a Friday morning. I have missed that!

Yes, after 5 long months of waiting, we finally got to watch a new one last night! Our overall consensus among us Grey's fans here at work was that we didn't really mind that nothing major happened on the show (as in no big hook-ups or anything). We were just thrilled to be watching again!

Carter, who has been rolling his eyes every time I've mentioned Grey's this week, even sat down to watch part of the show. Once he saw the intestine part, he was a little freaked out. During commercial, he says, "Ohmigosh! I can't believe that. Intestines in the hands! Intestines in the hands!" I think he had a new-found respect for me that squeamish Mommy could handle a show like this. I did confess I have to cover my eyes sometimes... as in sometimes during every episode (but not during the McDreamy or McSteamy parts, though!).

Our post-show debriefing talk today was about how we still don't really want the Rose and Derrick thing to work out. And what is Derrick really thinking? Is this serious? There's no other "relationship" on the show to root for right now. That's weird. For me, it was disappointing that they showed Bailey's son in two scenes but didn't acknowledge what was going on with hubby -- a key story plot in the November cliffhanger. Hmmm. We'll have see on that one.

OK, so of if you are not a Grey's fan (and shame on you), you are completely bored right now and I give you credit for still reading.

Jim got home from Kansas City after 9 so I taped The Office for him while I was watching Grey's. Figures both of "our" shows happen to be on at the same time so good thing we are one of those typical American families with 2.3 TVs (or is that kids?).

We have a firm rule that during that 8 o'clock hour, there is no talking, no interruptions. Carter knows better. Unfortunately not everyone does. The phone rang at 8:10 last night and I said, "Who would dare call during Grey's?!" Some people just don't get it.

One sad thing I realized today is that without having Grey's to watch each week, I have actually had 20 extra hours available to me -- almost the equivalent of whole day -- and I can't think what I did with them. I'm guessing I filled them with searches for show spoilers and mindless blogging about a TV show most of you don't care about. Thanks for reading. You're too good to me!

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