Sunday, April 20, 2008

Suddenly summer

A month ago, when there seemed no end in sight to winter, it probably sounded like a good idea to plan a church bowling party for April 20. Who knew it would be a warm, sunny, summery day with temperatures hovering around 80? And no one would want to be inside?

It was already nice when we got up this morning. After Sunday school, I cleaned off my two deck chairs and placed them on the front deck where the sun was shining brightly. Had to test them out, drinking my pecan caramel coffee and leafing through a magazine (after I changed into shorts, of course). Chairs work!

It was tough to go bowling but since the party was 1-3 p.m. I knew it would still be nice after we got home. Plus, bowling is always fun. Seems we maybe get to go only once a year so we're not pros by any means. My goal is always to break a hundred. I did that in my two games today (no need to elaborate how far beyond 100).

When we got home, I expected hubby would be off golfing somewhere. That was going to be the plan. But he and the neighbor guys got stuck -- or got enthused about -- doing yard projects together. I got home just in time to see them take down a dead tree in our back yard. The plan was that it would fall across the yard -- not our house and not the neighbor's garage. Thankfully, it fell as planned. I had my camera poised (from inside the house) just in case it got interesting. I did get some pics of the guys posing with their muscles flexed. "This is for the scrapbook," I heard one of them say. See, they know me and still humor me!

After that, I took another good, long walk (read multi-tasking: exercising and tanning). I had one scary moment on the walk when I suddenly heard a crash behind me. I turned around and saw a car in the opposite ditch swerving back onto the road and heading toward me. I jumped into my ditch, the guy straightened out and headed to the next driveway. I thought maybe he was going to stop and get out. Instead he just did a U-turn, headed back toward me (I stayed in the ditch) and drove on by, not even looking at me. There was a farmer on a tractor nearby who saw the whole thing. We just looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders like "what the heck was that all about?" Though my heart certainly was beating wildly (even more so than when I got a strike bowling). I guess once you get hit by a car, you have an ongoing fear about that sort of thing happening again. It felt good to get home.

We grilled brats for supper just to top it off like a typical Wisconsin summer day. Now I remember we live here!

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