Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sweet Nothings

Despite his love for Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls and soft-serve ice cream, Carter doesn't have much of a sweet tooth. I think he likes getting candy, just doesn't have the overwhelming need to eat it!

Case in point: I was in his room looking for items for the garage sale and came across a bag stuffed with Halloween candy plus his Valentine's box full of unopened treats. On the table is still his loot from our Easter egg hunt, too!

I decided that I could at least salvage the Easter candy and take that to work for my "public" candy dish at my desk. His Easter bag yielded 3 large hollow chocolate bunnies, 42 plastic eggs filled with chocolate, candy and 3 quarters, plus some extra goodies not in containers. Carter actually helped me sort it out and didn't even care that I was taking it all away. Whose kid is this?! Apparently, he just enjoys the thrill of the hunt. No wonder he's so skinny!

Side note: Carter also claims chocolate makes him drowsy so he tries to avoid it. Whatever! That doesn't even make sense. OK, I admit I am just a bit jealous he can just say he's not going to have it and then just doesn't!

At least I know the treats tend to disappear pretty quickly at work so I won't have to stare at the remaining peanut butter eggs too long and be tempted! But they're still sitting there in their bright yellow packages, just 2 feet away from my keyboard, calling to me to give them one more chance .... yikes, good thing I have to go to a meeting!

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