Saturday, April 19, 2008

Signs of spring

Not sure if the mercury kissed 70 today but it was good enough for me to see 60s and sunshine.

It rained all night and into the morning. Still was drizzling this a.m. when we tried for "one day only!" to have that garage sale again! Wasn't as cold as last weekend, that's for sure. And the sun was trying to shine by the time I left at 11 for Carter's soccer game.

Today was his first game of the season. Last week's was postponed due to snow. (Why do we live here, again?) Since all of his games will be at noon we assume it should be warm enough weather going forward. But I wouldn't dream of assuming anything about the weather in Wisconsin.

The game was pretty good today. This was the first time Carter has played on a team where they really get the concept of passing. Carter's team won 2-0 and he had two assists (that means he passed to the guy who shot the goal). One thing about Carter and soccer -- he's always had quite a powerful kick. Now the trick will be to use that ability to actually kick it with some control. When he played goalie the second half he had to "punt" it quite a bit. Every time it sailed over heads and landed in front of the other goal. It would have been nice if there had been a teammate there to finish the job. Maybe next time. It sure made us wonder if punting will be his thing when he plays football this fall.

The rest of the day was spent doing spring things. Hubby cleaned out the garage and I took a walk. Wait, I know that doesn't sound balanced, but I did do some indoor cleaning and then grocery shopping first.

It felt great to be walking in shorts and not be cold! Maybe spring is here for real! The high Sunday and Monday is supposed to be in the 70s. If I'm not careful, I might find myself with a rake in my hand. Ugh. I never said I loved everything about spring!

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