Monday, April 21, 2008

Old Faithful

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."

It's easy enough to say you have faith when it hasn't been tested. When life is on cruise control. And you have no need for a higher power. But what do you do when something happens to shake your universe?

Do you say "Help me get through this, Lord" or do you point fingers and ask "Why, God, Why?!"

Do we accept the message behind the quote above and know this tragedy or challenge has to happen in order for a bigger blessing down the road? It's tough, isn't it? If we are on the sidelines watching someone else's situation, it's much easier to say "Everything happens for a reason." But do we believe that when the emergency is happening to us?

I have some co-workers going through some very rough times right now. One just had surgery today to hopefully remove the cancer in her throat and tongue. Another is dealing with the loss of a brother-in-law who was shot and killed by police last week. So much pain. So much tragedy!

In the past 10 years, I have walked what I consider a path of faith. I have had a few events shake up my world, but with each I have asked God to help me cope with whatever He wills to happen. I think I am a strong believer until I hear about friends and co-workers dealing with something huge. Am I ready to deal with the big one when God sends it my way? Are you?

They say faith without works is dead. If we say we have faith but don't use it to help others, then essentially we are walking on a dead end street. Where is my path going? How can I make my faith a journey rather than a destination? I must continue to build up my strength and endurance by offering gratitude each day and praying for God to give strength to others who need it.

Today, if you feel so inclined, please squeeze in an extra prayer for Sara's recovery and for Pete and Bethany's comfort and understanding. Thanks. Faith works if you pass it on...

1 comment:

Ron Hedberg said...

Your friends have my prayers - and you do too. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful. I could list off the areas where life is less than I had hoped for.

I hadn't connected the two until now. But yesterday during church I was able to pray with a "young" lady in her late thirties or forties. She has to walk around with a walker. Later in the day I was hiking up and down steep hills. I forget how fortunate I am to have health. We all have areas for which we can be thankful.

But still, I understand the longings and needs too. God will meet us where we are. Miracles still happen - every day. Keep praying.