Saturday, April 26, 2008

Soccer Moms

I must confess I am not the stereotypical soccer mom. You won't see me driving a minivan filled with all sorts of equipment and extra kids. I don't thrive on helping the soccer community by working concessions (especially in the bitter cold) or sitting on the sidelines (especially in the bitter cold).

But, just like those soccer moms, I do love to fill my scrapbooks with pictures of my son in action. I do love to cheer encouragement (or sometimes yell with advice) from the sidelines. I do take pride in his determination and skill -- especially on days like today.

By coincidence, I did drive the minivan to go work concessions at 8:30 a.m. It was snowing lightly and the gusts were coming through that concessions stand like it was some sort of wind tunnel. It was wicked. I served cup after cup of hot chocolate and coffee and still my hands were numb from the cold. I kept thinking, "Good thing Carter's game isn't until noon. It'll warm up."

Didn't happen. It was still cold and windy but somehow that sparked a performance out of that boy that I've never seen. I didn't even have my chair set up yet and when I glanced up he was kicking a goal already. It was one of those "bend it like Beckham" moves -- almost a slide kick -- so he could have gotten into trouble, but he didn't.

He kicked a few more at the goalie that didn't get past. When he was substituted out, he came over for a high five and his water bottle. Both Mommy and Daddy (the "assistant" coaches) told him he needed to work on his follow-through. When he kicks it at the goalie, if it doesn't go in, keep after it. Wouldn't you know it, he went back into that game and the next time he kicked the ball at the goalie and he stopped it, Carter stole it right back, went around him and kicked it in for goal! See, soccer moms and dads know things once in awhile!

The last part of the game was like the Carter show. He'd get that ball and dribble down the field, faking people out, going around them, moving this way and that toward the goal. Unfortunately, there wasn't anyone to pass it to. The other forwards were sort of shadowing him and he had no where to go except shoot for another goal. He didn't score any more but his control of the ball was very impressive. Even his coach said, "You really had your game on!" Carter says something like, "Oh, I play best in the cold" -- like it's happened before.

The final score was 4-0. They are on a two-game "winning streak"!

We did tell Carter it was one of his best-played games. And he, in turn, called Grandma and Grandpa and few aunts to let them know, too! He's pretty pumped up. Makes me proud, too, to be one of those soccer moms!

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